KNX CO2, humidity and temperature sensor AP

KNX CO2, humidity and temperature sensor AP


SKU: MTN6005-0001 Category:


The device is a combined sensor for CO2, temperature and humidity measurement (relative humidity).
It is used to monitor the air quality in meeting rooms, offices, schools/kindergartens , passive or low-energy houses and living areas without controlled ventilation.
The CO2 content of the air is a verifiable indicator of the ambient air quality. The higher the CO2 content, the worse the ambient air is.
KNX software functions: Threshold adjustment range: 500–2550 ppm. Object “”Physical value”: 0-9999 ppm. There are 3 independent measured value thresholds for CO2 and relative humidity and a threshold for the temperature value. An action is carried out if the thresholds are not reached or if they are exceeded: Send priority. Switching, value. Each threshold has a locking object.
Power supply: bus voltage
Current consumption from bus: max. 10 mA
Ambient temperature: -5 °C … +45 °C
Measuring range, CO2: 300 – 9999 ppm
Measuring range, temperature: 0 °C … +40 °C
Measuring range, humidity: linear 20 % … 100 %
Type of protection: IP 20 in accordance with DIN EN 60529
Dimensions: 74x74x31 mm

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